Sound Seventeen


Why Compliance?

In addition to the technical requirements, it is - especially in large companies - more and more about the correct treatment of each other and the environment. A catalog is to be drawn up here that takes this requirement into account. 

You are cordially invited to participate.

Data Security

Confidential data will not be made accessible to third parties. Especially no relatives, acquaintances or children. Care is taken not to leave texts lying around unattended. Confidential data on computers is password protected and secured by a firewall whenever possible. In principle, action is taken according to the principle of "best practice". It is about the conscious handling of confidential data.


  • Violation of regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act such as minimum wage, working hours law or bogus self-employment
  • Unfair competition
  • Verletzungen des Antidiskriminierungsgesetzes


This is particularly about compliance with environmental standards, etc.
Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltschonung aber auch das Tierwohl gehören dazu. Hier gibt es ebenfalls keine Vorgaben. Es geht vielmehr um die grundsätzliche Haltung zu den Zukunftsthemen und um die persönliche Auseinandersetzung damit.

Do you have any ideas? Feel free to get in touch:
